
Windenburg weekly

Windeburg weekly, we are everyones favourite gossip magazine. Here we cover the scandals and stories from all over Windenburg. In this weeks issue we write about the mysterious disappearance of Victoria Villareal. And it looks like Dominic Fyres is out there smooching someone that isn’t his wife.     

The scandal of the week

This Saturday Dominic was out partying with the spin masters. Being out so late drinking and dancing is already questionable for a husband and father. But Dominic was getting very close to his friend and fellow club-member Candy Behr. Little did they know that our paparazzi was there to capture the moment on camera. Dominic’s wife Moira has told us in an earlier issue that “Dominic would never cheat on me. I get questioned a lot about my husband’s habits but he just enjoys dancing that’s all. I trust my husband and couldn’t care less if the rest of Windenburg doesn’t!”. Are you still so confident Moira?
The Fyres household have chosen to not comment on the scandal but Candy agreed to coming talking whit us. 
“Me and Dominic are friends. I would never do something like you think I have done to Moira! That photo was just taken from a bad angel. I was just saying goodbye and hugged Dominic. Dominic is one of the most mature and responsible people I know, he would never cheat on Moira.” says Candy sounding frustrated. Is Candy telling the truth? Or does she just not want to be known as the home wrecker? Bjorn who is a member in Moiras club the garden gnomes gave us his opinion on the situation. “I don’t know. Believe me, I want to believe that Dominic is faithful. But I know Moira and she always sees the best in people. I think Dominic’s partying has gone on for far to long. He needs to grow up and start being a responsible father. Maybe this photo is just taken from a bad angel but he should still not be that close to anyone but his family!” says Bjorn.
We don’t know what to believe. Is the divorce papers on their way? Or is Moira going to buy that it was just “a bad angel”? We will be back with updates next week. 

The mystery of the week 

Today it was exactly five years since Victoria Villareal mysteriously disappeared and never came back. Windenburg’s detectives couldn’t find any sort of trace of her, not even a letter to her husband Jacques. We were lucky enough to get a short interview with Jacques. “I remember it like it was yesterday” he says and sights. “The last time I saw her she was downstairs. She was going to read a book for my daughter Luna. So I went to bed and assumed that she would come up to me when she was done with the reading. But she never did.” he continues. “The last thing Luna can remember is her mom reading the book. You see she fell asleep while her mother was reading the story. The next morning when she wasn’t laying there by my side I knew something was wrong. We searched everywhere, the whole island was investigated. We went home to all her friends and relatives but we never found anything”. Our reporter then carefully asks if he has a comment on the rumours that he must be the one who killed his wife since he is the only suspect. “That’s a incredibly offensive thing to say. I’m still not over my wife's disappearance and not a single day goes by whiteout me thinking of her.” says Jacques with tears in his eyes. We here on Windenburg weekly want to thank Jacques for giving us this interview and we hope that Victoria is out there somewhere safe and alive. 

The sim of the week
The Fyres family has been in the spotlight this week but not just because of the cheating scandal. Dominics daughter Siobhan has gotten a promotion. Siobhan is working in the business career and has been very successful this far according to her boss. “I have always been very ambitious so this promotion means a lot to me.” she said when our reported congratulated her. But we didn’t get a long interview with her because as soon as we tried to get a comment about her father she walked away.

That is all for this week. We want to thank all our readers and are looking forward to give you updates on Windenburg’s juiciest gossip.

The mystery behind the Villareal family

So I was going to write about the Villareal family like I did with the Fyres family but when I did my research and played with the family I found that the most interesting sim was one that wasn’t in the game. Jacques’ wife. 

Who are they?
“After Jacques’ wife disappeared under... ahem, mysterious circumstances, he was left raising three kids in his enormous mansion. Luna and Hugo are good kids with typical teen problems, but the youngest, Max, is a terrifying force of nature. Will the kids drive Jacques crazy before his eccentric habits and hobbies drive them crazy?”

That is the description for the Villareal family. The family consist of four sims. Jacques who is the father of Luna, Hugo and Max. Luna and Hugo are teenagers and Max is a child. But we won’t be focusing on the kids in the household here. 
Jacques is an elder that has the traits insane, childish, dastardly and Genius. He’s a standalone father and doesn’t have any new romantic interest. 

Who is she?
So the mother and wife doesn’t appear in the game and all we know about her from the family description is that she disappeared under “mysterious circumstances”. If she doesn’t appear in any future expansion or gamepack I doubt that we will ever get to know her. We could assume that she has dark hair since all her kids have that but otherwise there is no information about Mrs Villareal.
But the mystery here isn’t necessarily who this sim is but how she disappeared. And I found a few clues and came up with a few theories.

1. Jacques’ career
So Jacques works in the criminal career(level nine), and when you hear about his career and that his wife disappeared under “mysterious circumstances” you can’t help but to put two and two together…
Maybe she knew too much? Maybe she was kidnapped because she was Jacques’ wife? What if she also was a criminal and had to escape from Windenburgs police? A lot of things could have happened. Personally, I believe in this theory the most. It’s just a little weird that a rich sim like her that lives on a privet island would just disappear. I think that this is the most logical explanation we will ever get.  

2. Jacques’ age
So Jacques is an elder but still has a young child. If we look at the normal age of having children he would be an adult right now. It is in other words possible that his wife were a lot younger than him. That doesn’t have to mean anything but maybe Jacques’ wife and his marriage was an arranged one. Maybe Jacques’ wife didn’t want to marry him in the first place. Max is a child so this mysterious sim should be an adult. That could mean that maybe she had a mid-life crises and moved away from Windenburg and Jacques was too heartbroken to tell the neighbours the truth. So he said that she just disappeared? I know this theory is bit farfetched but it isn’t impossible…

3. Jacques’ trait
So as I mentioned earlier Jacques is in fact insane. It is even mentioned in the family description. According to it he has “eccentric habits and hobbies”. That combined with his other traits might have been enough for him to kill his own wife. He is after all in the criminal career so he probably has some blood on his hands…

4. She got abducted by aliens
Hmm…doesn’t this sound familiar? We all know the story about how Bella Goth got abducted by aliens. And the sims team have said that the sims 4 takes place in an alternative universe. What if in this alternative universe it was Jacques’ and not Mortimer’s wife that got abducted. I mean look at the similarities between this situation and the one the Goth family had in the sims two. It’s most likely that Jacques’ wife has dark hair – like Bella – , her family is rich – like Bella’s – , and her husband is now an elder and her youngest kid is a child – like Mortimer and Alexander – .
You can’t help but to wonder if this is just a coincidence… 

These are all the theories I have for today. Thank you so much for reading <3



So in the sims 4 there are this far seven neighbourhoods, worlds, towns or whatever you want to call them. And in the sims games some worlds have always been better than others. So today I thought that I would do a list(I will not count in Granite falls since it is a destination). And I also think that the world makes a big part of an expansion so if you are choosing between two this post might help you (:

Many simmers were exited to get a whole town with just empty lots and so was I. And the town does what it promises and gives you exactly that. It looks a lot like Willow Creek though just with no pink trees and closer to the city. The town has three different neighbourhoods and I definitely do use it. I don’t think that this is a bad world by any means I’m just saying that the other worlds that come with the base game have a lot more to offer and if I had to uninstall one world it would be Newcrest. 

It was a bit of a disappointment when I got get to work and saw this world. I do like the world it is just that it is so small and has only one neighbourhood. I however like the feel of the small part we get to see of the world. It really has that open for business feeling. It really is a shame that it isn’t bigger. And a big part of what really makes a town interesting for me is the sims living in it. And there are sadly no pre-made here and only business-lots. Get to work is a great expansion but Magnolia Promenade is just not the reason I would buy it again.

Willow Creek is a great base game world. It takes place in a suburban area with a neighbourhood with starter homes, one with middle-class family homes, a snobby overclass neighbourhood, another overclass modern neighbourhood, one with community lots and the community park. 
The world really is beautiful but it can get a little repetitive. All the neighbourhoods except the community one are pretty much the same even tough some neighbourhoods have some special things that others don’t. But it is again the perfect base game world and it has a secret lot and the Goth family so what more can you ask for?

If you ever played with Lucky Palms in the sims 3 you would find this world to be very similar. But that is the opposite of a bad thing! I really really like this world. The different neighbourhoods are fun and different and Oasis Springs has much more character than Willow Creek. The Landgraabs and the Calientes(that I have loved to play with since the sims two) also live here and there is a hidden lot. The world has  a Spanish feel to it that I love. And I am so happy that the sims team decided to make two world for the base game.

I have always loved cities in the sims and this one is no exception. I love all the different districts, the sims are interesting, the festivals are awesome and I could write about this world all day. It also introduces apartments. I have wanted cities in the sims 4 since it launched and this one didn’t disappoint me. Here you can find everything from the cheap apartments to penthouses. 

I don’t know if it is because I live in Europe myself but I love this world. Everything in this world is stunning. The different neighbourhoods are all so different, there even is an island! I remember that when this came out I was still waiting for a city expansion and that made me really like the modern district. All the sims in this world a unique and Windenburg is the main reason that I think you should buy get together. 


A day with the Fyres family

Moira started this lovely day by planting some stuff in what had been an empty garden. She decided that what fitted her best was to plant some greens that she and her club the garden gnomes could take care of. 

Morgan felt like inviting over her friends from the renegades and it didn't exactly hurt that her sister wasn’t homet.
But the only one that could come was Wolfgang, but Morgan didn’t mind that. 

Morgan has had a crush on Wolfgang for a while now and it looks like he likes her too…

Morgan actually experienced her first kiss but as soon as things started to get exiting Siobhan came home.

Morgans not so approving sister yelled at her and said that Wolfgang was way too old for her and that “being friends with the renegades is one thing, but dating one is another!”. But Morgan isn’t the one to just shut up and listen so she yelled back.

Upset and angry at her sister Siobhan went straight to her dad and started yelling to him about Morgan.

Now, Dominic has never been good with handling his teenage daughters anger and went out with the spin masters hoping that his wife Moira would solve this.

The spin masters had lots of fun on their night out at discotheque pan Europa and danced the rest of the night away.

I know that this text was pretty short but I hope that you enjoyed it. 
Thanks for reading <3


Siobhan Fyres

DISCLAIMER: In this post I thought that it would be fun to write from one of the sims perspective. I recently wrote about the Fyres family in Windenburg so I felt like writing about Siobhan. Enjoy. (:

Hi! It’s me Siobhan. You may know me as the leader of the paragons or as the daughter of Dominic Fyres. I live in a big house in the lovely world known as Windenburg. I grew up here with my father Dominic, my mother Moira and my sister Morgan. And me coming from a wealthy family, having the most fashionable clothes in town and being the leader of Windenburgs most popular club you probably think that my life is perfect. But things haven't been going that great lately.

First of all my sister Morgan joined the renegades. What a scandal! It was so embarrassing to explain it to my fellow club members. I don’t want to call her a traitor or anything. But that’s what she is! She says that she just wants to have fun but I think that she is just jealous of me. I understand that not everyone can be as perfect as I am but she didn't have betray me like that! Oh well, hopefully it’s just a phase. 

I’m also currently working as an office assistant in the business career and it is not going too well. 
I have always been a very ambitious sim and I was really looking forward to starting this new career. But you have to start from the bottom and I don’t like being down here. The only thing I get to do is to run over the street to buy coffee. My boss treats me like I am invisible and I was my teachers favourite student so I’m not used to that. It really is a shame that the only thing someone this smart gets do is going to the coffe shop five times a day. 

Windenburg is amazing when it comes to nightclubs and pubs and as a teen I was really looking forward to visit one. But now when I am a young adult I rather stay at home. Why? I go to The Shrieking Llama Рmy dad is there with the good timers РI go to Discoth̬que Pan Eupora Рmy dad is there, this time with the spin masters РI go to Narwhal Arms Рthe Partihaus is there. Why doesn't Marcus Flex get that I have a boyfriend? Р.

There is actually only one positive thing that has happened lately. I got a boyfriend! He’s name is Sergio Romeo and he is perfect. He doesn't know it yet, but I am planning on marrying him some day. We are taking things slow for now but I know that we are just meant to be. We look soooooo good together and his fashion sense is almost as good as mine. 

Sergio lives on his own(not entirely, he has a roommate) and I am thinking about getting my own place too. But living in Windenburg is expensive and even though money has never been a problem before even the tiniest homes can cost a fortune. And if I borrow money from my parents it will take ages to pay them back. I think that I rather wait until my pay check has gotten a bit bigger and save up myself. Until then I will have to continue sharing bathroom with my sister… 


The Fyres family

“Things couldn’t be better between lovebirds Dominic and Moira - too bad the same can't be said for their daughters! Free spirit Morgan just wants to have fun with her Renegade friends, but Siobhan can't stand that attitude. Siobhan is determined to build a network of popular friends who can help her career aspirations. Will Siobhan move out on her own before the tension in the house explodes?” 

The fyres family consists of Dominic and Moira Fyres and their two daughters Siobhan and Morgan. The family lives in the town Windenburg on a a 64x64 lot in a big house that is worth 124 676 simoleons. The family also have 20 000 simoleons in household funds. It is unclear were the Fyres family got all this money but it’s unlikely that Moira or Dominic earned it themselves since Dominic is only in level four in the entertainment career and Moira is unemployed. And their daughter Siobhan is only an office assistant(level two) in the business career so the money can’t be coming from her. It’s most likely that Moira or Dominic inherited the house and money from his or her parents. 

Dominic Fyres 
Dominic is a member of the good timers and the leader of the spin masters. As an adult he is the oldest member in the spin masters but he is still a very good
dancer and DJ. He is in fact in level eight in the DJ skill and in level four in the dancing skill(the dancing skill only has five levels). He’s aspiration is “musical genius” and he’s traits are music lover, neat and self-assured.
Dominic has a decent relationship with everyone in his family. He is  friends with he’s daughters and he’s wife. But in the families description it says “things couldn’t be better between lovebirds Dominic and Moira”. This is bit of a exaggeration since Moiras and Dominics friendship isn’t as high as it could be and the same goes for their romance bar although it is higher. 
Dominic is also friends with everyone in his clubs.  

Moira Fyres
Moira is Dominics wife and a member of the garden gnomes. She is in level nine in gardening skill and is unemployed. And although she is a member of the garden gnomes she doesn’t have a relationship with anyone in the club. She has in fact no relationship with anyone that isn’t a member of her family. This quite strange considering that one of her traits is outgoing. Maybe Dominic always partying with the good timers and spin masters forced her to stay home to take care of the kids? 
Her aspiration is “Freelance Botanist” in the nature category and her traits are good, outgoing and loves outdoors.   

Siobhan Fyres
Siobhan is Moiras and Dominics oldest daughter and the leader of the popular club “the paragons”.  Siobhan is described as a very ambitious sim and is working in the business career. The family description says that there is a lot of tension between Siobhan and her sister Morgan. The paragons dislikes the renegades(a club that Morgan is a member in). And in the paragons it is praised to be mean to the renegades and they share and compete about the same hangout(Bathe de Rill). But when you start the game Siobhan and Morgan have a good relationship and are actually friends. 
Siobhan is also friends with the rest of her family and everyone in the paragons. She even has a romantic relationship with one of the club members(Sergio Romeo). Siobhan and Sergio are “sweet hearts” and not boyfriend and girlfriend and haven't had their first kiss yet. It actually looks like Siobhan doesn't know Sergio well at all since she doesn't know any of his traits. 
Siobhans aspiration is that she wants to “be the leader of the pack”. She and her dad share the trait “self-assured” and her other traits are insider and ambitious. She is also in level six in the charisma skill. 

Morgan Fyres
Morgan is the only teenager in the house. She is a C-student and a member of the renegades. It’s a little weird that Morgan chose to be a part of this club since one of her traits is “good” and the renegades likes to sabotage objects and to be mischievous. Morgan is friends with everyone in her family and in the renegades. She is also neighbours with everyone in the club except max and this might suggest why she became friends with them. She is also in level four of the mischievous skill.
Morgans style is very different from her family members but very similar to her friends in the renegades club. She wears a lot of dark colours and makeup.  
Morgans traits are outgoing and good and her aspiration is “party animal”.    

Overall the Fyres family seems like quite a happy one. It is worth to mention that there is a theory that Morgan and Siobhan were born in previous marriages since the sisters don’t share any resembles to each other. However, when you look at the Fyres family tree you can see that Morgan and Siobhan share both parents.