
The mystery behind the Villareal family

So I was going to write about the Villareal family like I did with the Fyres family but when I did my research and played with the family I found that the most interesting sim was one that wasn’t in the game. Jacques’ wife. 

Who are they?
“After Jacques’ wife disappeared under... ahem, mysterious circumstances, he was left raising three kids in his enormous mansion. Luna and Hugo are good kids with typical teen problems, but the youngest, Max, is a terrifying force of nature. Will the kids drive Jacques crazy before his eccentric habits and hobbies drive them crazy?”

That is the description for the Villareal family. The family consist of four sims. Jacques who is the father of Luna, Hugo and Max. Luna and Hugo are teenagers and Max is a child. But we won’t be focusing on the kids in the household here. 
Jacques is an elder that has the traits insane, childish, dastardly and Genius. He’s a standalone father and doesn’t have any new romantic interest. 

Who is she?
So the mother and wife doesn’t appear in the game and all we know about her from the family description is that she disappeared under “mysterious circumstances”. If she doesn’t appear in any future expansion or gamepack I doubt that we will ever get to know her. We could assume that she has dark hair since all her kids have that but otherwise there is no information about Mrs Villareal.
But the mystery here isn’t necessarily who this sim is but how she disappeared. And I found a few clues and came up with a few theories.

1. Jacques’ career
So Jacques works in the criminal career(level nine), and when you hear about his career and that his wife disappeared under “mysterious circumstances” you can’t help but to put two and two together…
Maybe she knew too much? Maybe she was kidnapped because she was Jacques’ wife? What if she also was a criminal and had to escape from Windenburgs police? A lot of things could have happened. Personally, I believe in this theory the most. It’s just a little weird that a rich sim like her that lives on a privet island would just disappear. I think that this is the most logical explanation we will ever get.  

2. Jacques’ age
So Jacques is an elder but still has a young child. If we look at the normal age of having children he would be an adult right now. It is in other words possible that his wife were a lot younger than him. That doesn’t have to mean anything but maybe Jacques’ wife and his marriage was an arranged one. Maybe Jacques’ wife didn’t want to marry him in the first place. Max is a child so this mysterious sim should be an adult. That could mean that maybe she had a mid-life crises and moved away from Windenburg and Jacques was too heartbroken to tell the neighbours the truth. So he said that she just disappeared? I know this theory is bit farfetched but it isn’t impossible…

3. Jacques’ trait
So as I mentioned earlier Jacques is in fact insane. It is even mentioned in the family description. According to it he has “eccentric habits and hobbies”. That combined with his other traits might have been enough for him to kill his own wife. He is after all in the criminal career so he probably has some blood on his hands…

4. She got abducted by aliens
Hmm…doesn’t this sound familiar? We all know the story about how Bella Goth got abducted by aliens. And the sims team have said that the sims 4 takes place in an alternative universe. What if in this alternative universe it was Jacques’ and not Mortimer’s wife that got abducted. I mean look at the similarities between this situation and the one the Goth family had in the sims two. It’s most likely that Jacques’ wife has dark hair – like Bella – , her family is rich – like Bella’s – , and her husband is now an elder and her youngest kid is a child – like Mortimer and Alexander – .
You can’t help but to wonder if this is just a coincidence… 

These are all the theories I have for today. Thank you so much for reading <3


  1. Oooh I think Jacque's wife could've be Bella. Bella might've been bored with the Goths and "escaped", then married Jaques and gave birth to his children. Then Bella missed her old family (or something) and went back there, and that Bella infact did disappear in the sims 4 version Goth family, but she returned. Although the sims team said that it was alternate universes maybe it wasn't.

    Or It's like you said in 4 and it's alternate universes and the aliens abducted Jaques wife instead of Bella because they might have had similar features.
    I do wish that they had memories in the Sims 4 so we could find out more about her...

    1. The mother is defiantly not Bella Goth :D They DO have memories look around.

  2. what I want to now is why no one sees that Jaques 100% abuses his kids. If you look at there traits. Why is max so mean and evil. I think Not only did Jaques kill his wife but he took it out on Max and his other kids.
