
Windenburg weekly

Windeburg weekly, we are everyones favourite gossip magazine. Here we cover the scandals and stories from all over Windenburg. In this weeks issue we write about the mysterious disappearance of Victoria Villareal. And it looks like Dominic Fyres is out there smooching someone that isn’t his wife.     

The scandal of the week

This Saturday Dominic was out partying with the spin masters. Being out so late drinking and dancing is already questionable for a husband and father. But Dominic was getting very close to his friend and fellow club-member Candy Behr. Little did they know that our paparazzi was there to capture the moment on camera. Dominic’s wife Moira has told us in an earlier issue that “Dominic would never cheat on me. I get questioned a lot about my husband’s habits but he just enjoys dancing that’s all. I trust my husband and couldn’t care less if the rest of Windenburg doesn’t!”. Are you still so confident Moira?
The Fyres household have chosen to not comment on the scandal but Candy agreed to coming talking whit us. 
“Me and Dominic are friends. I would never do something like you think I have done to Moira! That photo was just taken from a bad angel. I was just saying goodbye and hugged Dominic. Dominic is one of the most mature and responsible people I know, he would never cheat on Moira.” says Candy sounding frustrated. Is Candy telling the truth? Or does she just not want to be known as the home wrecker? Bjorn who is a member in Moiras club the garden gnomes gave us his opinion on the situation. “I don’t know. Believe me, I want to believe that Dominic is faithful. But I know Moira and she always sees the best in people. I think Dominic’s partying has gone on for far to long. He needs to grow up and start being a responsible father. Maybe this photo is just taken from a bad angel but he should still not be that close to anyone but his family!” says Bjorn.
We don’t know what to believe. Is the divorce papers on their way? Or is Moira going to buy that it was just “a bad angel”? We will be back with updates next week. 

The mystery of the week 

Today it was exactly five years since Victoria Villareal mysteriously disappeared and never came back. Windenburg’s detectives couldn’t find any sort of trace of her, not even a letter to her husband Jacques. We were lucky enough to get a short interview with Jacques. “I remember it like it was yesterday” he says and sights. “The last time I saw her she was downstairs. She was going to read a book for my daughter Luna. So I went to bed and assumed that she would come up to me when she was done with the reading. But she never did.” he continues. “The last thing Luna can remember is her mom reading the book. You see she fell asleep while her mother was reading the story. The next morning when she wasn’t laying there by my side I knew something was wrong. We searched everywhere, the whole island was investigated. We went home to all her friends and relatives but we never found anything”. Our reporter then carefully asks if he has a comment on the rumours that he must be the one who killed his wife since he is the only suspect. “That’s a incredibly offensive thing to say. I’m still not over my wife's disappearance and not a single day goes by whiteout me thinking of her.” says Jacques with tears in his eyes. We here on Windenburg weekly want to thank Jacques for giving us this interview and we hope that Victoria is out there somewhere safe and alive. 

The sim of the week
The Fyres family has been in the spotlight this week but not just because of the cheating scandal. Dominics daughter Siobhan has gotten a promotion. Siobhan is working in the business career and has been very successful this far according to her boss. “I have always been very ambitious so this promotion means a lot to me.” she said when our reported congratulated her. But we didn’t get a long interview with her because as soon as we tried to get a comment about her father she walked away.

That is all for this week. We want to thank all our readers and are looking forward to give you updates on Windenburg’s juiciest gossip.

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